
The article examines the essence of the concepts of special economic zones such as "industrial parks". The world experience of creation of industrial parks in the Czech Republic, Poland, South Korea and Turkey is studied. The conditions and the list of benefits that facilitated the attraction of foreign investment in the creation of new industrial parks are determined. The value and impact on the economic situation of the countries where special economic zones have been implemented are determined. Industrial parks have brought significant economic success, which has become a major factor in accelerated economic development, in particular, the growth of real gross domestic product and exports. The article analyses the state of development of industrial parks in Ukraine after the beginning of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. The problems of creation, operation and expansion of industrial parks during the martial law in Ukraine are identified. In order to avoid the complete destruction of enterprises and industry, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Action Plan for the relocation of production facilities from the areas of active hostilities to safer central and western regions of the country. The largest share of relocated enterprises is made up of wholesale and retail trade, processing industry, motor vehicle repair, professional, scientific, technical activities, and construction enterprises. This article identifies the institutional problems of creating a favourable investment climate in Ukraine before the war, including political, economic and legal instability. The war and attacks on the energy system have had a negative impact on the investment climate in Ukraine since the start of Russia's full-scale armed aggression. The activity of industrial parks in Ukraine remains insufficient due to a number of systemic shortcomings in the preparation and implementation of initiatives to create industrial parks. Insufficient experience of the initiators and imperfect legislative regulation of certain aspects have a negative impact on the investment climate, as potential participants in special economic zones do not receive offers to locate production facilities.

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