
The knowledge-intensive economy is considered from the point of view of the sustainable development of the Republic of Karelia. The transition to sustainable development of the Republic of Karelia requires significant changes in the strategy for the development of science and technology. The mobilization of scientific potential in alliance with production structures, state resources and private capital should be aimed at the technological rise of the region’s economic sectors. Objective indicators of the knowledge economy of the Republic of Karelia are represented by indicators of its resource endowment, including the following data: according to the indices «Scientific and technical potential» and «Regional innovation index»; by the number of organizations that carried out research and development; on the distribution of researchers by academic degrees and fields of science; by the number of organizations that developed advanced manufacturing technologies. Developing machine-building (shipbuilding) enterprises of the Republic of Karelia, which are capable of moving to a new technological order in a short time, are considered as growth poles. The purpose of the study is to assess the role of regional economic and industrial policies in solving the problems of the Republic of Karelia to increase the science intensity of the economy and innovation. We are talking about a knowledge-intensive economy based on the application of scientific knowledge in the manufacturing industry. Bringing scientific results to industrial application will contribute to the technological independence of Russia. Unresolved problems in the scientific and technical sphere are an obstacle to the transition of the economy to an innovative development path and determine the relevance of research aimed at developing a knowledge-intensive economy. There is a need for a set of measures aimed at consolidating efforts in activities in priority areas of development of science, technology and technology.

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