
Goal. To assess the sanitary condition of feed in livestock farms of different regions of Ukraine in 2021. Methods. Generally accepted and developed in the laboratory of toxicological monitoring, mycological and bacteriological methods of determining feed contamination. Results. According to the results of bacteriological and mycological monitoring, respectively, 33 and 48 samples of feeds and fodder raw materials for cattle were found to be of poor quality at 45.5 and 79.2%, and feeds with an acceptable degree of contamination made 54.5 and 20.8%. The main contaminants of feed are representatives of microflora that are not included in the list of microbial contamination of feed samples, namely: Neisseria spp., Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma spp., Corynebacterium spp., and 3% of samples contained Clostridium perfringens, which are not allowed in feed, and mold fungi of the genera Aspergillus Mich. — 57%, Penicillium Linc. — 17.4, Fusarium Linc. — 4.3, families Mucoraceae — 6.8, representatives of other genera — 14.5%. Toxigenic taxa of micromycetes of the genus Aspergillus Mich. were presented by Asp. flavus, Asp. amstelodami, Asp. niger, Asp. sydowi, Asp. fumigatus, Asp. candidus, Asp. oryzae, Asp. ochraceus; genus Penicillium Linc. — by Pen species. lanosum, Pen. commune, Pen. stoloniferum; genus Fusarium Linc. — F. moniliforme, F. oxysporum. Conclusions. The obtained data indicate the unsatisfactory sanitary condition of feeds for cattle, which can lead to infectious diseases with damage to the respiratory and digestive systems on the background of the development of secondary immunodeficiency caused by viruses. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out systematic bacteriological and mycotoxicological studies of feeds (not less than once every 2 months) stored in farms to timely determine the beginning of spoilage and prevent negative effects on the animal body.

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