
In this paper, The best practice for implementing of Personal Information Protection TFT which is operated in global foreign C Corporation is presented in to other companies in more then 1,400 foreign companies. C Corporation has been operated the business in Korea from 1930s. They monitored new Personal Information Protection Law in Korea and trained IT specialist for it in special course which are opened by Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Korea Internet and Security Agency. From 2011 year, They operated Task Force Team for implementing strategy and organization for Personal Information 접수일(2014년06월09일), 심사의뢰일(2014년06월10일), 심사완료일(1차:2014년06월17일, 2차:2014년10월13일) 게재일(2014년10월31일) 120-808 서울시 서대문구 대현동 67-7, 서울과학종합대학원 산업보안전공. email: gaesalgu@korea.com 120-808 서울시 서대문구 대현동 67-5, 서울과학종합대학원대학교. email: jhjeong@assist.ac.kr 한국내 글로벌 외국법인의 개인정보보호 전략에 관한 연구 Copyright c 2014 SERSC 400 Protection Law. As C Corporation is a global foreign company in Korea, there are lots of gaps between local regulation and internal corporate policy. They have been cooperated with local legal team and corporate legal team to find out proper strategy and organization to comply. They improved business process and IT system and consequentially accomplished to build strategy, policy, organization and audit process. From the result of this case study of C Corporation’s TFT activities and outputs, 10 strategies and 4 recommendations are presented to not other local companies but also global foreign companies in Korea.

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