
The article is devoted to the problem of forming world perception in children 5–6 years. The relevance of the study is determined by: the lack of theoretical and experimental research in this area, conducted with children of this age; the importance of this age, when the child has the ability to perceive the world, the primary fragmentary worldview is formed, the subordination of motives, the child is well oriented in the categories of good and evil; demand for pedagogical practice of developing methodological orientation to optimize the process of forming world perception in children 5–6 years in preschool and family. Scientific views on the definition of the essence of the concept of «world perception» as a certain experience of forming cognitive ideas about the world with the help of visual images – perceptions are analyzed. The importance of this process in the life of olderpreschoolers is revealed. The components of world perception, which include the processes of perception (sensory reflection of objective reality), cognition (creative activity of the child to master reality) and reflection (generalized image of objects or phenomena of objective reality) are identified.  Features of experimental study of levels of formation of world perception of children at the given age period are detailed. The method of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment is substantiated, one of the tasks of which was to determine and analyze the levels of formation perception of children aged 5–6. The structure of the studied process is determined, which includes three components: cognitive (a set of knowledge and ideas about the world, acquired on the basis of individual life experience and expressed in the value orientations of the individual); emotional and value (attitude to the surrounding reality and to oneself due to awareness of one’s own feelings about the objects perceived by the child) and behavioral (direct possibility of dialogical interaction with the outside world on the basis of humanism); the level of formation of the child’s world perception depends on the degree of formation each of these components. Levels of formation of world perception at children of 5–6 years are defined and characterized, for instance: high, sufficient, average and low.

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