
Vein deposits of gold in Eastern Siberia are located in remote areas with a severe sharp-continental climate and are characterized by complex conditions of geological environment. This fact jeopardises the profitability of production. The task of increasing the efficiency of ore underground mining in the development of these deposits is relevant. The purpose of the conducted researches is to solve the problems of improving the development efficiency of vein gold deposits. Research methods are based on the profound study of gold ore body occurrence conditions and the geomechanical state of the rock massif using field observations and measurements, mathematical modeling, laboratory and industrial tests. As a result of this, the mining order of inclined gold-bearing veins in technologically separated contours of reserves with the division into production zones (working, stoping, localization) and subsequent backfilling of voids by controlled caving was substantiated and proposed. When this technology was introduced in Russian gold mines, an explosion-proof hydraulic support and vacuum stoping of ore were used for the first time. A structure of the flexible system of stope drift location has been created for a sublevel development system in order to provide the effective excavation of steeply dipping veins. The rock massif was supported from stope drifts. The rocks were supported using rope anchors. This enabled the effective extraction of ore in unstable rocks. It is proposed to mine the balance reserves of thin steeply dipping veins by sublevel ore breaking with combined overhand-underhand stoping and support work. The carried out works directed at the improvement of the development technology of vein deposits allowed significant reduction in the costs of metal production at the mines.


  • Введение Золоторудные месторождения Бурятии залегают в сложных условиях геологической среды горного ландшафта Восточных Саян и отрогов Муйского хребта

  • Vein deposits of gold in Eastern Siberia are located in remote areas with a severe sharp-continental climate

  • This fact jeopardises the profitability of production

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Введение Золоторудные месторождения Бурятии залегают в сложных условиях геологической среды горного ландшафта Восточных Саян и отрогов Муйского хребта. Для сложных условий разработки месторождения вместо дорогостоящей и трудоемкой слоевой системы разработки с твердеющей закладкой и креплением были обоснованы параметры и обеспечено внедрение системы разработки со скважинной отбойкой с подэтажей (буровых штреков) и магазинированием руды. На основе полученных данных о геомеханическом состоянии массива горных пород месторождения было произведено математическое моделирование, в результате которого установлено, что толщина зоны растягивающих напряжений в бортах очистной камеры не превышает 3–3,5 м.

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