
The use of Internet markeƟng tools in the communicaƟon acƟviƟes of dairy enterprises in Ukraine is analyzed in the arƟcle. In parƟcular, the connecƟon between the intensity of the use of Internet technologies and consumer preferences for the products of the studied enterprises was traced. An analysis of their websites using the SimilarWeb service is done. It has been idenƟfied that four of the five leading companies in terms of consumer website popularity are also leaders in the ranking of consumer preferences for milk of various brands. The indicators of efficiency of the websites of the researched enterprises and socio-demographic characterisƟcs of the users are given. It is determined that, despite a significant increase in the number of users who use mobile devices to search for the necessary informaƟon, the share of users who visit sites from desktop devices, ie PCs, laptops and netbooks, is higher. The channels of aƩracƟng traffic to the sites of enterprises and data on the distribuƟon of traffic from various social networks are given. It is determined that the main channels of aƩracƟng traffic for the surveyed companies are organic traffic and direct acƟons in the browser at the site address. Indicators of acƟvity in social networks of dairy enterprises are given. It is established that the effecƟveness of aƩracƟng traffic through social networks depends on the goals of the enterprise, the content offered to the consumer, and the specifics of the targeted acƟon required to make the transiƟon to the site. The adverƟsing campaigns conducted by enterprises in social networks are analyzed. Most of them are aimed at acquainƟng the target audience with new products and promoƟng the company’s products. Another goal is to increase the subscriber base on YouTube and Instagram and promote sites.

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