
Introduction ( issue) . In modern conditions, the information society represents a qualitatively new stage of sociotechnological evolution of society, which has been formed and continues to develop as a result of the leading trends of its previous socio-economic development. Such a society implies a significant and sometimes decisive increase in the role of information and knowledge in all spheres of social and human being, as well as the formation and consumption of information resources through information and communication technologies. In today's environment, the nature of the actions of these technologies is becoming global. In the developed countries of the world, the sphere of information and communication technology is the basis of the social, economic and political well-being of the population, one of the leading conditions for economic development. Purpose of the article. Clarify the impact of the information society on the system of higher military education of Ukraine. Research methods. In order to achieve the aim and to solve the problems, the system of theoretical research methods was used: analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization. Main research results. The article analyzes the current trends in the role of the information society in the process of preparing the officer’s personality in the system of higher military education in Ukraine. The main strategic goals and objectives of the development of the information society in the educational sphere of Ukraine are disclosed. The main trends in the development of the system of higher military education of Ukraine in the conditions of hybrid warfare are identified. Scientific novelty and practical significance of the research results. The study proposed the main ways of implementing the applied tasks of the system of higher military education of Ukraine in the information society in the organizational, scientific, methodological and management plane. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The quality of higher military education in the information society is determined not only by its general informatization, that is, by the number of computers and information databases, but above all by the preparedness, readiness and ability of the listener as a subject of educational and military-professional activity to constant and systematic work with information and its effective processing. As a result, this will contribute to the formation and development of the subject of the military-professional activity of new systemic and objective knowledge about the nature, society and the military-professional sphere, as well as their integrated use for solving the tasks of ensuring the defence capability of the state.

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