
The article examines the issues of increasing the efficiency of motivation of enterprise personnel. The definition of the essence of the concept of “motivational mechanism in personnel management of the enterprise” is specified, the categories of material and intangible incentives are considered.The thesis is substantiated that the complex application by employers of methods of direct and indirect motivation allows to keep the staff and increase the efficiency of labor activity, helps to increase the inclusion of employees in the labor process. The priority types of material and intangible incentives for employees are summarized. Priority directions of the motivational mechanism which will allow to increase efficiency of system of management of the personnel of the enterprise and to improve the organization of social and labor relations between workers and employers are developed. In modern conditions, human resources are one of the most important elements in the enterprise. For the successful operation of any production and any company, regardless of the services it provides and the goods it produces, you need an efficient work team. The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of the system of motivation of personnel of domestic enterprises. The following general and special methods were used in the research process: abstract-logical and structural-logical analysis – for theoretical generalizations and clarification of the concepts of “personnel management”, “personnel evaluation”, statistical analysis method for analysis and iden-tification of main trends and management system staff; graphical method – to illustrate the results of the study. The article considers the theoretical foundations of staff motivation, summarizes the existing types and methods of motivation. Motivation is one of the most important elements of the personnel management system, because it is through motivation that the company’s management manages to influence employees.

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