
The using of antibiotics and antimicrobials drugs without control may leads to the development of numerous complications and resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. The using of antibiotics and antimicrobials drugs should are controlled on poultry farms. That is why the monitoring and determination of sensitivity of bacterial diseases agents to antimicrobial drugs are very important. Results of salmonellas’ and kolibakterias’ monitoring in poultry’s farms of Ukraine are introduced in the article. Researches were conducted at the Department of veterinary sanitary examination, microbiology, zoohygiene and safety and quality of livestock products of Sumy NAU. Sampling for microbiological studies was conducted from the hatchery and from pathological material and premises where poultry of different age groups was held. The spread of the disease, morbidity, mortality, mortality rate, age characteristics, economic loss what diseases cause to the poultry farms were counted. Identification of Salmonella and Escherichia was conducted by ELISA with using of RIDASCREEN® and LOCATE® test systems, according to methodical recommendations of RIDASCREEN® and LOCATE® test systems using. The results were read visually or after addition of storageco with ELISA–photometer (reader) at 450 nm. Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by disco – diffusion method in agar. Microbiological monitoring of a number of poultry farms in Ukraine has shown that agents of bacterial diseases’ are widely spread. Between the isolated microflora largest number were accounted for Salmonella (54.1%) and the Escherichia (30.8 per cent). The rest (15,1%) were isolated cultures of Proteus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Campylobacteria, Enterobacteria, and Clostridia Citrobacter. This indicates that systematic control over the availability of the causative agents of bacterial infections in all critical points of production of poultry products is very necessary. Among isolates that were isolated from ill poultry and poultry objects, differences in their sensitivity to antimicrobial agents from active substances that officially have registered in our country were discovered. Bactericidal activity of relatively isolated cultures was showed by colistin, ftorfenicol, zeftiocur, TimTil 250, doxicyclin, enroxil and sarafloxacin.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • The using of antibiotics and antimicrobials drugs should are controlled on poultry farms

  • The spread of the disease, morbidity, mortality, mortality rate, age characteristics, economic loss what diseases cause to the poultry farms were counted

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Чутливість збудників бактеріальних хвороб птиці до антибактеріальних препаратів

Які були виділені від хворої птиці та з об’єктів птахівництва, виявили відмінності в їх чутливості до протимікробних засобів з числа АДР хіміотерапевтичних засобів, офіційно зареєстрованих у нашій країні. Это указывает на необходимость систематического контроля за наличием возбудителей бактериальных инфекций на всех критических точках производства продукции птицеводства. На основеполученных данных будут разроботаны и будет проведена фармако – токсикологическая оценка химиотерапевтических средств для обеспечения схем ротации отечественных препаратов для профилактики бактериальных инфекций птицы. Microbiological monitoring of a number of poultry farms in Ukraine has shown that agents of bacterial diseases’ are widely spread. The rest (15,1%) were isolated cultures of Proteus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Campylobacteria, Enterobacteria, and Clostridia Citrobacter This indicates that systematic control over the availability of the causative agents of bacterial infections in all critical points of production of poultry products is very necessary.

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