This study aims to analyze the key characteristics of the French educational administration system and the superintendent(recteur d’académie) system, and to explore the implications for improving the system in Korea. For this purpose, the study primarily utilized a literature analysis method, collecting and analyzing French government documents, European Union reports, and academic papers. The analysis yielded the following results: First, the French local education administration system ensures the unity and consistency of national education by harmonizing centralization and decentralization through a dual administrative structure that vertically distributes responsibilities between central and local governments and horizontally divides roles among local entities. Second, the title and role of the the French superintendent of education(recteur d’académie), the highest authority of the academy (académie) were established by the decree of 1854. Third, the recteur d’académie holds a dual status, within the academy as both the representative of the central government and the highest authority of the academy, overseeing all levels of education from early childhood to higher education. Fourth, a requirement for the appointment of the French superintendent is the highest academic degree in higher education, known as the 'habilitation' (qualification to supervise doctoral research), although a certain percentage of exceptions are permitted. Fifth, the recteur is a high-ranking public official appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Minister of Education. The position has no set term, and academic and administrative competence are considered more important than political affiliation. Based on these findings, implications were presented.
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