
The existing literary and cartographic works concerning the morphogenesis of Male Polissja basin for the last 150 years have been analyzed. There are 4 basic denudation hypothesis are distinguished from the analysis: fluvial, fluvial-fluvioglacial, fluvioglacial and glacial. The supporters of fluvial hypothesis affirmed that the main factor in the formation of Male Polissja basin is the erosion of rivers. This hypothesis was favored by E. Dunikowski, J. Falkiewich, S. Pavlovski, A.Jahn and O. Marynych. V. Laskariev believed that the basis of basin was formed by erosion, later, Male Polissja was leveled by fluvioglacial waters. Such researchers as J. Semiradzky and G. Zakrevska considered that the prevailing factor of basin genesis were meltwater of maximum glaciation. The supporter of another hypothesis was M. Lomnitsky. He affirmed that Male Polissja basin was formed by the action of cover glaciation, the boundary of which was near Podolian escarpment. And also the comparative table, investigated by different authors, denudation levels was performed. The analysis of scientific ideas concerning to the reach of the boundary of maximum glaciation on the territory of Малого Полісся has been carried out and the corresponding map scheme is executed. Keywords: Male Polissja, Podolian escarpment, denudations hipothesis, denudation level, glaciation boundary

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