
<p>The study features the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of <em>Larix sibirica </em>Ledeb, <em>Tilia cordata </em>Mill, <em>Populus alba </em>Ledeb <em>x Populus sowietica piramidalis </em>Jabl, <em>Acer negundo </em>Ledeb and <em>Acer tataricum </em>Ledeb in various types of urban green zones. It has been established that the pigment content is a species trait and correlatively depends on the growing conditions (remoteness from pollution sources and transport highways). In ecologically safe areas, high values of photosynthetic pigments in all species have been established, especially the indicators of the pigment amount and the ratio of chlorophyll p><p>The study involves the structure and content of the green pigment of chlorophyll in healthy and damaged leaves. In gas-resistant plant species in an urban environment, the content of a-chlorophyll and the sum of the green pigments are several times higher than in the leaves of medium-resistant species. The authors point out a change in the content of photosynthetic pigments from the concentration of acid gases in the environment and the rate of their absorption.</p>


  • The study features the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of Larix sibirica Ledeb, Tilia cordata Mill, Populus alba Ledeb x Populus sowietica piramidalis Jabl, Acer negundo Ledeb and Acer tataricum Ledeb in various types of urban green zones

  • It has been established that the pigment content is a species trait and correlatively depends on the growing conditions

  • The authors point out a change in the content of photosynthetic pigments from the concentration of acid gases in the environment and the rate of their absorption

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Сумма пигментов 5,11±0,20 3,95±0,15 5,15±0,18 3,83±0,17 3,81±0,10 3,75±0,15 3,49±0,1 3,16±0,11 4,24±0,13 3,55±0,15 3,82±0,13. Фотосинтетический пигментный состав ассимиляционного аппарата древесных растений в различных типах посадок, мг/г сырого веса Table 2. Photosynthetic pigment composition of assimilation apparatus of woody plants in different types of planting, mg/g wet weight

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