
Cachexia is a severe complication of cancer and currently there are no drugs that would effectively deal with exhaustion and intoxication in various diseases. Materials and methods. In this paper a study and evaluation of the antitumor and anticachexia activities of the extract of Gratiola officinalis l. in rats with transplanted sarcoma 45 in experiment in vivo was conducted. Gratiola officinalis l. extract is received by patented method and is not toxic to animals. The study was conducted on 40 white male rats line Wistar weighing 150 ± 50 g. Animals were divided into 4 groups (10 rats per group): control group, comparison group with sarcoma without affecting, group with sarcoma with intramuscular and group with sarcoma with oral administration of the extract in a dosage of 110 mg/kg. The extract was administered intramuscularly or orally 72 hours after transplantation of sarcoma 45. The tumor volume and the weight of the animals were assessed daily. Results. The extract of leaves and flowers of Gratiola officinalis l. obtained by patented method has a strong antitumor activity, reducing the growth rate of the tumor and causing marked changes in the tumor, as well as providing stable anticachexia effect. Index of tumor weight inhibition was 70.6 % on average. Intramuscular administration was more effective in reducing of tumor growth, but less effectively increases the weight of animals than oral administration. In both administration methods Gratiola officinalis extract has no toxic effect on peripheral blood. We have previously found that the extract has antioxidant activity so that anticachexia effect is pathogenic, meaning it occurs by reducing toxicity. Conclusions. Gratiola officinalis extract has a broad spectrum of biological activity, in particular antitumor, anticachexia, it is not toxic, so it is advisable to investigate as a promising tool for the treatment of tumor diseases and cancer cachexia, and cachexia caused by other chronic diseases.


  • Cachexia is a severe complication of cancer and currently there are no drugs that would effectively deal with exhaustion and intoxication in various diseases

  • Gratiola officinalis l. extract is received by patented method and is not toxic to animals

  • The extract of leaves and flowers of Gratiola officinalis l. obtained by patented method has a strong antitumor activity, reducing the growth rate of the tumor and causing marked changes in the tumor, as well as providing stable anticachexia effect

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ОЦЕНКА ПРОТИВООПУХОЛЕВОЙ И АНТИКАХЕКСИЧЕСКОЙ АКТИВНОСТИ ЭКСТРАКТА АВРАНА ЛЕКАРСТВЕННОГО (Gratiola officinalis L.) У КРЫС С ПЕРЕВИТОЙ САРКОМОЙ 45. Экстракт листьев и цветков аврана лекарственного, полученный авторским способом, обладает противоопухолевой активностью, снижая темпы роста опухоли и вызывая выраженные изменения в опухоли, а также оказывает стойкий антикахексический эффект. Экстракт аврана лекарственного обладает широким спектром биологической активности: противоопухолевым, антикахексическим, антиоксидантным действием, кроме того, не является токсичным, поэтому его целесообразно исследовать как перспективное средство для лечения опухолевой кахексии при онкологических заболеваниях, а также кахексии, вызванной другими хроническими заболеваниями. Цель исследования – провести оценку противоопухолевой и антикахексической активности водного раствора экстракта аврана лекарственного (Gratiola officinalis L.) у крыс в эксперименте in vivo с перевитой саркомой 45. В опытных группах через 78 ч после трансплантации опухоли крысам вводили раствор экстракта перорально и внутримышечно, ежедневно, в течение двух недель

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