
Relevance. In the first decades of the XXI century, the quality of prefecting musical education occurred in Russia. Outlooking programs implemented in children's music schools and musical departments of children's art schools do not allow students to fully master the game on musical instruments and get vocal skills necessary to continue vocational education. The beneficial effect on the improvement of the named region may also have an analysis and subsequent introduction into the practice of past experience, the achievements of the preceding generations of compatriots. The purpose of this article is to cover approaches to the organization of educational activities and the educational process in institutions of initial professional music training of the Ulyanovsk region in the 1990s. The objectives of the study: to determine the basic principles of the state policy of the 1990s in the field of do-mestic education as a whole and musical education in particular; explore and summarize published and unpublished materials containing information on approaches to the organization of educational activities and educational process in the children's schools of the arts of the Ulyanovsk region in the 1990s. Methodology. Regulatory legal acts and archival documents were made as sources of this work. The study was also carried out with a support for published materials (monographs, articles). The paper used a number of scientific approaches, the main of which were the principle of objectivity, the method of system analysis, historical and comparative and historical and typological methods. Results. The study showed that in the 1990s, the Ulyanovsk region had accumulated positive experience in the implementation of educational programs in the field of musical art in institutions of primary professional music training, which can be used today. In particular, issues were effectively solved with the creation of the publicly available to this type of education, ensuring the continuity of the training of educational and continuity of educational programs. Conclusion. The results of the study seems to be able to use when creating educational programs in the field of musical art in the Russian Federation at the present stage.

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