
The article aims to research the specifi c refl ection in the local media of Kyiv region the passive resistance of the ordinary peasants to the grain procurement as a key part of the mechanism of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. Th e research methodology includes the combination of number historical methods: comparative and contextual analyses, synthesis, systematization. Th e scientifi c novelty. Th e article is pioneer research of the problem related to the refl ection in the Kiev region media the passive resistance of the peasants aimed against the backbreaking plan of the grain procurement. It was investigated that despite the district newspapers are not representative source but depean the opportunities to study for this com- ponent of ordinary peasants reaction to the strategies of authority to create the circumstances of the killing by famine. Conclusion. Th e Kyiv local media contain the information about the huge number of cases related to the diff erent variations of the passive resistance of ordinary peasants during Holodomor of 1932–1933. First of all, it will make it possible to research the amplitude and prosopography of resistance in the Ukrainian villages. Th e empiric potential of district newspapers substantially complements the information of documental materials. Given the local media contain a lot of concomitant materials regarding the Holodomor it will enable to research the diff erent form of passive resistance of the ordinary peasants on the base of the contextualization. Th e local media deepen the notion regarding the motives to the passive resist- ance, connection between the protests of ordinary peasants and existential strategies of the rural upper stratum, reaction of local authority, punishments for peasants. It leads to the investigation of the models of peasants’ resistance, which were developed in the various circumstances during the Holodomor of 1932-1933.

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