
A brief review of the state and influence of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, on possible changes in climatic parameters is presented. It was noted that the main greenhouse gases are water pore, the amount of which in the total mass can be from 36 to 72 %, as well as carbon dioxide (9...26 %), methane (4...9 %) and ozone (3...7 %). The main sources of formation of the concentration of carbon dioxide, which attracts the attention of researchers, as a result of anthropogenic impact as a result of industrial development, as well as significant natural factors, such as the consequences of volcanic activity, are described. Concentration changes in the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in the historical period are discussed. A certain contribution of individual economies to the total volume of greenhouse gas emissions on the planet is shown and it is noted that in annual terms the amount of carbon dioxide formed as a result of human activity can reach 35–40 billion tons of CO2. It is noted that in recent years the concentration of CO2 has consistently exceeded 400 ppm and this level is, apparently, the highest in the history of observations. The most significant sources of greenhouse gases are described — industry, transport and volcanoes. An assessment was made of the contribution of volcanic activity to the increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, which can be at the level of 60...250 million tons of CO2 per year, and according to some estimates, reach 0,5 billion tons of CO2. The potential influence of the most significant factors of absorption of excess CO2 — the world’s oceans and forests on the possibility of removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is shown. An assessment is given of the assumption that the world ocean absorbs up to 2,6 billion tons of CO2 per year. It is believed that its absorption capacity is much higher. Consideration of the protective role of forests and vegetation cover in carbon dioxide sequestration shows that, under certain conditions, existing forest areas are likely to be able to absorb at least most of the anthropogenic emissions. The assessment made of the contribution of individual countries to the necessary negative carbon balance shows the groundlessness of claims against the Russian Federation on this issue. A certain forecast of the prospects for climate change is presented in relation to geographical and economic factors.

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