
A phytosociological survey of the Barents Sea coastal plant communities according to Braun-Blan­quet approach is presented. Ass. Honckenyo diffusae—Elymetum arenarii (Regel 1928) R. Tx. 1966. is des­cribed on the sand beach. Halophillous vegetation is fragmented and ascribed to the community type Stellaria humifusa—Triglochin palustre. Tall herb mea­dows on the shore are described as ass. Tripleuro­spermo—Festucetum arenariae ass. nov. Mesic and moist meadows on the sea-exposed slopes are described as ass. Polygono vivipari—Thalictretum alpini (Kalliola 1939) stat. nov. Ass. Geranietum sylvatici Nordh.1943 includes meadows along springs and brooks, ass. Rumici—Salicetum lapponi Dahl 1957 combines mea­dows with willow shrub layer. Heath vegetation of the marine terrains and low hills is presented by ass. Arctostaphylo alpinae—Empetretum hermaphroditi (Zinserling 1935) Koroleva 1994, and heathlands on the hilltops belong to the Loiseleurio—Diapensietum (Fries 1913) Nordh. 1943 subass. typicum и salicetosum nummulariae subass. nov. Stands of ass. Phyllodoco—Vaccinietum myrtilli Nordh. (1928) 1943 are common in the snow-protected habitats. Snow-bed communities are described as ass. Veratro lobeliani—Salicetum herbaceae ass. nov. Paludified heathlands are described as ass. Rubo chamaemori—Caricetum rariflorae (Regel 1923) stat. nov. Sloping fens belong to ass. Drepa­noclado revolventis—Trichophoretum cespitosi Nordh. 1928. The syntaxa spectrum of the area investigated shows close affinities to the low arctic tundra subzone as well as to the coastal vegetation of the subarctic region.

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