
The purpose of the article is to elucidate the connection between the process of European integration and the state of its information security. Apply the whole complex of philosophical general scientific, and specific methods of scientific research, which are inherent in political science, in their interconnection and complementarity. For Ukraine, the movement toward European integration is a question of the effectiveness of its inclusion in the existing system of distribution of functions and roles in the modern world political and economic system, way of modernizing the economy, overcoming the technological backwardness, attract foreign investment and new technologies, creating new jobs, improving the competitiveness of domestic producers, access to world markets, primarily the EU market. It is proved that such a sphere remains one of the most problematic to date, especially if to speak about the situation in the East of Ukraine. The continued fighting, lack of interest of the parties in the conduct of public talks and a cease-fire, the inability to conduct appropriate actions in the framework of the Minsk agreements on the demarcation line and a number of other destructive phenomena do not contribute to the further development of relations with the EU. The European Union is constantly on notice that the danger in the East is a danger for the whole of Europe, and therefore for further development of integration processes require a ceasefire and a transition to practical implementation of the Minsk agreements. The current state of Affairs in this sphere does not allow to hope for fast improvements and so you need to move from rhetoric to action. As a result, it is concluded that information security is especially important for the stable public and state development, and its role and significance is growing significantly in modern conditions.

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