
Materials on the development of a microprocessor control system for an electric drive based on various types of electric motors are presented. The development is aimed at achieving the electric drive characteristics and its control functionality similar to those in the existing analogs. The development was carried out using model-oriented programming tools. The methodology of their application involves automatic generation of the software from mathematical models, in which the microprocessor implementation of computational, measurement, and control processes is taken into account in advance. The automatically generated software and the results of electric drive experimental studies were analyzed at different stages of its development, and it has been shown from that analysis that the standard model-oriented programming tools do not make it possible to fully solve all the problems, nor do they allow the characteristics of the analogs to be fully achieved. The features of the automatically generated software that lead to incorrect operation and degradation of the electric drive operating characteristics have been identified. The standard tools did not allow the software to be developed with the required degree of detail. To overcome these shortcomings of the standard development tools, they were supplemented with user software, an approach that does not contradict the model-oriented programming concept, since the software structure has been developed on the basis of standard model elements. The most striking examples of refining or replacing the standard model units and subsystems based on them in case of their incorrect operation, bulkiness and insufficient expressiveness are given. This applies primarily to software subsystems critical in terms of their execution time. Collisions between the software subsystems have been eliminated, and timely updating of information during their interaction has been achieved. Owing to application of the user software, more rational distribution of the microcontroller resources has been achieved. Some of its elements were developed as a result of refining the text of the automatically generated routines. Various solutions improving the electric drive characteristics and expanding its control functionality have been experimentally tested and applied. The electric drive investigation results have shown that it is approximately consistent with the analogs in terms of functionality and performance.

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