
This article is devoted to the study of trends in the development of project management in Russia and substantiation of the importance and needs for its application at the level of public authorities in the form of priority national projects and programs aimed at ensuring the breakthrough scientific, technological and socio-economic growth. The need to accept new challenges of the time is due to the policy of digitalization of world economies. Such activities cannot be realized without the implementation of project management, involving a high level of organization, systemic approach, careful planning and competent management. However, differences in the economic development of several regions in such large countries as Russia hamper that process. The conducted study provides a meta-analysis of modern statistical data from numerous international scientific studies, strategic government documents and project reports. The projects were considered from the point of view of public administration and regulation of the process of their implementation. The data collected shows important practical insights into project management application as a way to solve the issues of economic and digital disparities in different regions within a country. As part of the study, some risks were identified and analyzed, what resulted in proposition of ways to solve potential and emerging issues.

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