
The aim of the research. To obtain aptamers-inhibitors of platelet glycoprotein IIb / IIIa receptors, blocking platelet aggregation. Material and methods. Th e selection of aptamers for IIb / IIIa receptors of platelets was carried out according to the SELEX method (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment), modifi ed to select aptamers for a specifi c epitope. Th e method allows selection and in vitro evolution of aptamers with selectivity to a specifi c target from a large library of oligonucleotides. Th e affi nity of aptamers for platelet IIb / IIIa receptors was determined using fl ow cytometry. Results. Pools of aptamers of aptamers with high affi nity for IIb / IIIa platelet receptors were obtained. Th e study of the antiaggregation properties of the pools with the best binding showed that platelet aggregation was minimal when using the aptamers from the pool of the 5th round of selection. Th us, the aptamers of this pool have the greatest potential to be used as an analogue of a synthetic peptide that blocks thromboaggregation. Aptamers from this pool were taken for sequencing in order to obtain sequences of aptamers with the best antiaggregatory properties. Conclusion. Pools of aptamers with high affi nity for IIb / IIIa receptors of platelets and anticoagulant activity were obtained.

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