
The purpose. To detect influence of electromagnetic field of the Earth on productivity of crops. Methods. Field experiment. Methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It is determined that between soil and root of a plant, and also an aerosphere there is a continuous process of power interchange. At the first stage of researches ferromagnetic steel wires with the diameter of 2,5 mm were put on the bottom of the agricultural tile at the distance of 12 m. Under the influence of electromagnetic field of the Earth locked loop is created between them through wet soil with direct current in density of 4-6 µA/cm2. The current supports processes of electrophoresis and electrolysis in the fertile layer. Due to that all chemicals necessary for the plants are transmitted from hardly assimilable into easily assimilable forms. On the experimental areas the yield of grain crops increased from 3 to 8 centners per hectare as compared to the test areas (moldboard and sub-surface cultivation). For measurement of agroelectrical force special device Agro-01 was developed. It enabled to evaluate quantitatively power nature of soil and sowings. They also elaborated technique of monitoring bioplants in field technological environment. During 4 years on fields of “Satori-S Ltd.” (Kirovograd oblast) on the area of 3000 hectares overlapping of subsurface cultivation of soil with simultaneous slitting on depth of 40 cm at sowing wheat, corn, soya bean has been carried out. Experimentally positive effect of intelligent use of energy of electromagnetic field of the Earth on productivity of crops is confirmed. New agrotechnical methods of soil cultivation and the developed end-effectors for their implementation are offered. Conclusions. As a result of implementation of slitting technique on depth of 40 cm in direction of North-South productivity of crops has increased on 12–15%.

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