
The article presents the results of the effectiveness of the combined antimicrobial drug Guinex Forte, the effect of which is caused by metronidazole and miconazole, and the Orgil tablets at the stage of pregravid preparation in women of high-risk group, with regard to the development of placental insufficiency of infectious genesis and intrauterine infection. The objective: is to demonstrate the effectiveness of pregravid preparation for the normalization of vaginal biocenosis in pregnant women of high infectious risk. Materials and methods. 150 pregnant women were investigated, of which 100 with a high risk of infectious risk for placental dysfunction and intrauterine infection: Group I – 50 pregnant women who did not undergo pregravid preparation; Group II – 50 pregnant women who planned pregnancy and conducted pregravid preparation for prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis; Control group consisted of 50 pregnant women who gave birth again, without obstetrical and extragenital pathology in history. per vaginum. Results. In pregnant women in Group II, an intermediate type of dysbiosis was 1.2 times less likely than in pregnant women of group I, and vice versa, normocenosis was achieved 9.7 times more often in pregnant women who received pregravid preparation. After the therapy in the pregravid period, in pregnant women of group II in the first trimester of pregnancy quantitative and qualitative indices of biocenosis of the vagina were approaching, in most cases, to normal. In general, the spectrum of the microflora decreased from 21 to 14 species due to the reduction of pathogenic forms of staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacteria, E. coli, klebsiela, cornebacteria and clostridia. In patients of group II, the concentration of representatives of resident flora increased (lactobacillus Lg 5.06±0.7 CFU / ml and bifidobacterium-Lg 4.4±0.6 CFU / ml) and close to normal. Conclusion. Our proposed scheme of therapy and prevention of dysbiotic conditions in the pregravid period, in women of high infectious risk group led to a decrease in bacterial contamination of maternity paths of pregnant women in group II, which contributes to the restoration of vaginal microbiocenosis and positively affects the course of pregnancy, the condition of the fetus and the newborn. Key words: pregravid preparation, bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, placental dysfunction of infectious genesis, intrauterine infection.

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