
The legal form of public administration is analyzed, its internal economic content related to material production relations and the objective economic laws immanent in them is investigated. The research methodology is based on the demarcation of the structure and dynamics of the political-economic system, which is consistently carried out by the Odesa School of Economic Theory. It is shown that the political and economic content of public management and administration always has a concrete-historical character. The modern standard of an effective political and economic system is the "mirror symmetry" of its structural and dynamic dependencies. Such "mirror" symmetry is achieved only when the "top-down" dynamic dependence includes all structural levels of the political-economic system in sequence: public management and administration – objective production relations – productive forces of society. If one of these three levels falls out of the "chain" of dynamic dependencies, the system ceases to meet the political and economic requirements of modern development and is unable to find adequate answers to historical challenges. In the modern state-capitalist model of managed development, dynamic dependence is able to cover all three structural levels in the process of consciously using the objective economic laws of capitalism for the development of productive forces, including public management and administration. The practical significance of the research results is related to the justification of the objective necessity for Ukraine of a state-capitalist model of managed development, in which public management and administration are aimed at the conscious use of objective economic laws for the development of productive forces.

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