
The article considers the managerial foundations of resource saving at enterprises in the extractive industries. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that in the current economic conditions, Russian enterprises can successfully compete in foreign markets with foreign companies only if the level of resource consumption per unit of output is reduced. Also, this problem is also relevant in connection with the pressure of sanctions, the lack of resources entering the Russian economy and the Russian extractive industries. In this regard, this article reveals the problems of resource saving from the point of view of managing this process, defines the organizational and economic essence of the resource saving process at modern industrial enterprises in the extractive industry; factors affecting the state of resource saving processing enterprises; stages of formation of the resource saving management mechanism at mining enterprises; the system of organizational management is described, aimed at making managerial decisions related to resource conservation projects; a method of ranking resource-saving investment projects is proposed, aimed at solving the problems of making managerial decisions in this area of enterprise management. To solve the tasks set in the research process, the following methods were used: analytical, comparative, descriptive, graphical, tabular and the method of comparing the results of the analysis of investment projects. The theoretical basis of the study is the work of leading foreign and domestic scientists devoted to the development and implementation of a resource-saving strategy in industrial enterprises. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the systematization of the theoretical and applied foundations for the implementation of the resource conservation policy and the adoption of managerial decisions regarding resource conservation at modern mining enterprises.

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