
Introduction and aim of the research. The article considers the parameters of group efficiency in highly quali- fied sports teams. The influence of group performance indicators on the psychological climate of a sports team and its effectiveness in training and competitive activities is analyzed. The hypothesis of the study is to scientifically predict the possibility of improving the results of sports activities, taking into account indicators of group performance in the sports team. The aim of the research is to analyze the indicators of group performance in highly qualified volleyball teams and determine its impact on sports results. Material and methods of the research. The surveys were conducted during July-September 2019 in Zaporozhye. Volleyball players of the national women's national teams of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Estonia, as well as the Orbita-ZNU-ZRCYSS team participated in the study. The number of subjects was 49 volleyball players with sports qualification of a candidate for the master of sports, the master of sports and the masters of sports of international class. Theoretical methods were used in the work (analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature); psychodiagnostic testing, using the questionnaire "Group effectiveness of the sports team"; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The authors studied the parameters of group efficiency in highly qualified volleyball teams. The connection of group efficiency with the peculiarities of interaction and the psychological climate of the sports team is revealed. The influence of group efficiency in a sports team on the result of training and competitive activities is analyzed. Key words: volleyball, sports team, group efficiency, psychological climate, sports result.

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