
Since 1 June 2012, it is prohibited to sell oilfish as a food material but there are still many illegal cases of selling oilfish as if it is tuna or grilled Patagonian toothfish. So it is absolutely crucial to construct the system to distinguish the real food material from oilfish. There are two sorts of oil fish called Ruvettus pretiosus and Lepi- docybirium flavobrunneum involved in Percifomes order and Gempylidae class. 16S DNA gene region in mitochon- dria was selected to design the specific primers. For design species-specific primer, the theoretical experiment were performed for the sequences of R. pretiosus, L. flavobrunneum, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus albacores, Makaira mit- sukurii and Xiphias gladius, registered at the Gene bank from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, using BioEdit program. Through the analysis of the result from experiments, it was possible to design the 4 kinds of primers to distinguish R. pretiosus and L. flavobrunneum. As a comparison group, 3 kinds of tuna and 4 kinds of billfishes were selected and experimental verification was performed. As a result, for R. pretiosus and L. flavobrun- neum, R.P-16S-006-F/R.P-16S-008-R and L.F-16S-004-F/L.F-16S-006-R primers were selected eventually and PCR condition was established. In addition, 178bp and 238bp of PCR products were confirmed from the established con- dition and non-specific band was not amplified among similar species. Therefore, the species-specific primers devel- oped in this study would be very useful and used in various ways such as internet shopping mall and illegal distributions with fast and scientific results.

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