
Heartburn refers to the common dyspeptic manifestations experienced by up to 80% of pregnant women. The objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Gaviscon® Forte in the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy based on clinical data, the opinion study of pregnant women receiving the drug, and physicians provides their curation, as well as exploring the views of gynecologists, which have the practice of conducting such patients. Patients and methods. There were 94 pregnant women (Ј38 weeks of gestation), aged 18 to 34 years, with clinical manifestation of heartburn in the study. Oral Gaviscon® Forte mint suspension (the company «Rekkitt Benckiser Ukraine», UK) was appointed from 10 days to 1 month by 5–10 ml (1–2 tsp) 3 times a day after meals and 4th just before going to bed; or for 1 month by 5–10 ml (1–2 tsp) on demand. For the criteria of effectiveness of the drug have been taken: the time the relief of heartburn after a single reception; clinical dynamics of heartburn and related symptoms; opinion of pregnant women receiving the drug, and physicians provides their curation, opinions of gynecologists (n=258), which have the practice of conducting such patients. The evaluation of safety and tolerability of treatment was carried out by clinical monitoring. Results. The majority of women (54.2%) had the first pregnancy. The appearance of heartburn on trimesters was: I – 11.7%; II – 25.5%; III – 62.8%. Before pregnancy, 63.8% of women had a disease of the digestive system. Heartburn severity was in majority cases between 4 (43.6%) and 3-points (26.6%) by 5-point scale. The duration of heartburn without the use of drugs was an average of 30 minutes. 54.3% of women experienced heartburn at least 1 time per week, and the rest – on a daily basis; 34.4% mentioned nocturnal episodes of heartburn. There were non-cardiac chest pain, 8.5%, dysphagia – 12.8%, the feeling of a lump in the throat – 23.4%, cough – 9.6%, mainly burping air – 60.6%, and hiccups – 43% in conjunction with heartburn. During treatment with Gaviscon® Forte frequency and intensity of heartburn and related symptoms gradually decreased. According to pregnant women after a single dose of the drug the relief of heartburn started in 5±2.6 min; control of GERD symptoms was observed after 11±3.8 days of regular therapy; the effectiveness of the drug was assessed as «good» and «very good» in 85.1% of cases. According to the doctors, they estimated the effectiveness of the drug as «good» and «very good» – in 86.2%. Of surveyed gynecologists, 39.5% used alginates in the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy. They assessed the effectiveness of Gaviscon® Forte as «good» and «very good» in 100% of cases. Conclusions. The findings confirmed the high efficiency Gaviscon® Forte in the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy. The study allows confirming the advisability of administration of the drug for a quick and adequate removal of negative symptoms. Key words: heartburn during pregnancy, alginates, Gaviscon® Forte.

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