
Due to a steady trend towards an increase in the incidence of various gynecological diseases, one of the most significant problems of modern society is the protection of the reproductive health of girls and adolescents. Diseases that are asymptomatic or with an erased clinical presentation but have a significant impact on the reproductive potential of the young population deserve close attention. Purpose. To reveal the prevalence of gynecological diseases among the female population of the neutral, prepubertal and pubertal period in Moscow and to determinate ways to reduce incidence of preventable diseases. Material and methods. An analysis of the data on gynecological morbidity of girls and adolescents in Moscow is presented based on the data of the annual report of the chief freelance specialist gynecologist of childhood and adolescence in Moscow in 2021 (n = 925 632). According to the report, the prevalence of gynecological pathologies during examinations in 2021 is (n = 82 517): delayed puberty (n = 182), premature thelarche (n = 779), menstrual disorders (n = 11 748), other endocrine disorders (n = 15), premenstrual tension syndrome (n = 353), dysmenorrhea (n = 5265), inflammatory diseases of vulva and vagina (n = 18 796), ovarian cysts (n = 2384), labial adhesion (labia minora) (n = 6261), disorders of breast (n = 1136), anogenital warts (n = 26), congenital disorders of female genital organs (n = 71), unspecified injury of external genitals (n = 223), sexual transmitted diseases (n = 39), Turner’s syndrome (n = 21), unspecified malignant primary neoplasms (n = 5). Results. An analysis of the prevalence of gynecological diseases in girls and adolescents in Moscow in 2021 (n = 925 632) has revealed that the highest incidence among all diseases of the reproductive system (n = 82 517) is: inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs – 23% (n = 18 796), as well as menstrual disorders – 14% (n = 11 748), including dysmenorrhea – 6% (n = 5265), and labial adhesions – 8% (n = 6261). Reducing the incidence of gynecological diseases among girls and adolescents in Moscow can be achieved through regular full well-child examinations and improving the quality of specialized gynecological care. Conclusion. Providing regular preventive physical examinations and educational activities among adolescents and parents is one of the ways to timely detect various diseases of the reproductive system. The incidence of gynecological diseases among this age group can also be significantly reduced by increasing the coverage of the population with medical care and improving the quality of its provision

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