
Purpose. To study the effect of the genotype of bulls on the chemical composition and commodity-technological parameters of beef. Materials and Methods. The object of research is 18–month-old crossbred bulls, obtained as a result of industrial crossing of Kazakh white-headed cattle bulls with heifers of Kalmyk breed (group I), Kazakh white-headed bulls with heifers of Hereford breed (group II) and Kazakh white-headed bulls with heifers of Aberdeen-Angus breed (group III). Purebred bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed were used as a control group. The slaughter qualities of the experimental animals were determined by control slaughter of three bulls from each group. Chemical analysis of beef samples was carried out according to the following methods and GOST standards: moisture content was determined by drying the sample to a constant mass at a temperature of 100-105°C according to GOST 9793-2016; protein content – by the amount of protein nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method according to GOST 25011-2017; fat content – according to GOST 23042-2015; ash content – according to GOST 31727-2012; amino acid composition was determined according to the method of measuring the mass fraction of amino acids by the CE method on the Kapel-105M system, the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) was determined according to GOST R 51478-99. Results. It was found that the highest slaughter qualities were possessed by crossbred bulls of the III experimental group. The highest dry matter content was in the average sample of meat of bulls of the III experimental group – 35.13%, which is 0.63% more than in the control; the difference in fat content was 0.23% in favor of the control group. In terms of protein content, the largest amount was recorded in the meat of bulls of the III experimental group – 20.07%, which is higher than in the samples of the control, I and II experimental groups, respectively, by 0.60, 0.84 and 0.77%. The protein-quality index in the samples ranged from 6.30 to 6.48. The pH value of the meat varied slightly – from 5.60 to 5.77. Conclusion. The conducted research has allowed us to establish that the industrial crossing of the Kazakh white-headed cattle with different meat breeds contributes to an increase in productivity, quality indicators, and the beef produced. This is explained by good compatibility of crossed breeds and high breed qualities of studied breeds.

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