
The influence of the Trans-Siberian Railway on the economic, social and cultural development of Siberia can hardly be overestimated. Contemporaries noted that from the very beginning of the operation of the Siberian railway, the economic and cultural development of Siberia accelerated: the railway opened the way for Siberian manufacturers to Western markets; also, the industrial development of Siberia required an influx of labor, and streams of migrants, peasants, employees, and merchants poured into Siberia. The section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, passing through the territory of the modern Krasnoyarsk Territory, at different periods of its existence was part of the Great Siberian Railway, the West Siberian, Tomsk, East Siberian Railways. The change of ownership of the Krasnoyarsk Railway from one section of the Trans-Siberian Railway to another was due to the tasks of industrial development facing society. Each time the reformation of the structure of the Trans-Siberian Railway was accompanied by corresponding personnel and organizational changes in the management structure of the Krasnoyarsk Railway itself. The article considers the key events in the history of the development of the railway transport of the Yenisei region. The authors analyzed the prerequisites and historical conditions that determined the pace of development of the railway network at each historical stage, showed the importance of individuals who had a significant impact on the development of the railway in the Yenisei region, considered the historical conditions that determined the pace of development of passenger traffic. The authors provide statistical information indicating a high level of demand for railway communication among the local population. It should be noted that the invariable direction in the activity of the Krasnoyarsk Railway was the development of infrastructure, which made it possible to ensure the economic development of the region in different historical periods.

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