
Phytopathogenic fungi are among the most common and dangerous plant pathogens, causing significant crop losses and considerable economic costs. The greatest damage to agricultural crops is caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium, making the study of their distribution, species diversity and diagnostic methods more in demand every year. This is particularly important for breeding purposes. The determination of the species composition of this pathogen allows not only to evaluate the level of infestation, but also to perform preventive selection for resistance to Fusarium. The aim of the study was to test the developed primers and probes for the identification of the most common representatives of the genus Fusarium such as F. culmorum, F. graminearum and F. poae. Pure cultures of fungi obtained from different collections of microorganisms were used as research material. We studied 35 varieties of winter triticale from the RSAU-MTAA collection. In order to differentiate the studied species, oligonucleotides were designed for a fragment of the Galactose oxidase (GalOx) gene and its homologous genes from the NCBI database. Diagnosis was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The main analytical characteristics of the developed primers such as specificity and sensitivity were determined. Screening of 35 varieties of winter triticale showed their infestation with fungi of the genus Fusarium. It was revealed that the predominant species was F. poae, which was found in 95.2% of the varieties. For F. graminearum, the highest prevalence was found between 2020 and 2021, when the infestation of triticale samples was 31.4% and 91.4%, respectively. F. culmorum had the lowest percentage of infestation, being found in only 20% of all samples. In addition, the winter triticale varieties of the 2022 harvest K‑1–19#14 K‑3851 PRAG502 (Dagestan) and K‑1–19#42 K3727 SNT‑5/92 (Omsk region) were identified as the least susceptible to infestation by the studied species of fungi.

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