
Modern globalization and integration processes, introduction of the latest information technologies, competition in the banking sector, increasing of foreign banking capital share, lack of comprehensive legal regulation of banking activities, lack of development of Ukrainian financial markets, tense criminal challenges lead to new threats to financial security of the banking sector in general and of individual banks in particular. In turn, the efficient functioning of the banking system is impossible without maintaining high level of financial security of each commercial bank. The aim of the research is deepening the theoretical and methodological foundations of commercial bank financial security assessing and to development practical recommendations for improving its level. The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological principles and practical aspects of analysis and assessment of bank financial security level . The methods of the research: logical and meaningful method, method of comparison, method of analysis and synthesis, method of expert estimation, method of coefficients, integral method, etc. The hypothesis of the research. The investigation of the current state of a bank's financial security should be conducted in several stages: questioning of typical (external and internal) threats to the bank's financial security; express analysis of commercial bank financial security level; calculation of the integral index of bank financial security level. The statement of basic materials. The survey conducted typical external and internal threats to bank financial security, the results of which showed that the investigated bank is protected from external threats to financial security by 60% (9 points out of 15 possible) and from internal threats by 100% (15 points out of 15 possible). In the second stage of the process of financial security research, express analysis of financial security was carried out on the bases of the coefficients method, which includes four groups of basic banking indicators: bank financial stability indicators, bank business activity indicators, bank liquidity indicators, efficiency of bank activity indicators. The results of the rapid financial security diagnostics showed that in 2014-2015 the bank had low level of financial security, and in 2016-2018 it was sufficient. In addition, the integral financial security index of the bank is calculated, including the following indicators: financial and economic standards, credit and deposit dollarization, banking performance (ROA, ROE), profitability indicators and others. Integrated financial security indicators show that the highest level of financial security was in 2016, and in 2018 it was sufficient. It also proposes measures to enhance various components of the bank's financial security, the practical implementation of which will improve the efficiency of managing of banking institution financial security. The originality and practical significance of the research is development an approach to assessing commercial bank financial security and implementation it on the example of Raiffeisen Bank Aval. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The approach to the assessment of the financial security level is proposed, which involves carrying out the evaluation in several stages, namely, the questioning of external and internal threats to bank financial security, express analysis of the financial security level of a commercial bank and calculation of an integral indicator of bank financial security level, which makes possible to assess the bank financial security level. It also proposes measures to enhance various components of the bank's financial security, the practical implementation of which will improve the efficiency of managing of banking institution financial security. As part of the further study it is planned to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed measures of bank financial security level increasing.

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