
The problem of studying the space of states in modeling socio-economic systems is considered, the basis of which is the concept of “movable equilibrium”, introduced for the first time by A. A. Bogdanov. It is proposed to apply the laws of systems theory for studying the problem of managing the state of movable equilibrium in society. The article was initiated by an important result obtained by G. B. Kleiner on the basis of understanding the ideas of A. A. Bogdanov, published in the issue 2 of the “Journal of Modern Competition” of 2023, in which the concept of A. A. Bogdanov’s space as a union of the spaces of Aristotle, I. Newton, A. Einstein and V. I. Vernadsky was proposed, which made it possible to substantiate the features of the space of A. A. Bogdanov, to connect the types of spaces with sections of the economy and to obtain a model that determines the functions of the basic subsystems of the complex (tetrad) from the object, environment, process and design component in the economic space. This important result prompted the authors to rethink the works in the field of understanding and application of the concept of “space”, since the problem of determining the state space arises in the formulation of almost any problem, especially in complicated systems. This article provides a brief analysis of the fundamental features of the definition of space in the works of different periods of the development of science. The concept of “state of movable equilibrium”, introduced by A. A. Bogdanov and studied by L. von Bertalanffy, is characterized. The article discusses the ideas of searching for forms and methods of explaining and implementing the state of movable equilibrium in A. A. Bogdanov’s “Tectology”, in his articles and science fiction novels, searching for a type of social system, a way of managing society and the state based on ensuring social justice, “on consciously comradely beginnings” according to A. A. Bogdanov, through the necessary transformation of man and society. Based on the ideas of A. A. Bogdanov on the need to create a society in which the relationship of people to nature and to each other is determined by the norms of scientific expediency, the article proposes the idea of using the laws of systems theory to study the problem of controling the state of movable equilibrium in society, and provides examples of research demonstrating the usefulness of this idea. It is concluded that in the context of the introduction of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence systems, it is becoming increasingly clear that knowledge of the features and patterns of the life of open systems with active elements is necessary not only for those who are directly involved in the management of enterprises and organizations, or those who are introducing innovative technologies, but it is necessary to everyone who will live in new difficult conditions, which, based on the research of A. A. Bogdanov and L. von Bertalanffy can be called a state of movable equilibrium.

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