
Objective: To study the state of providing safe drinking water to the population of the Bohkhtar area of Khatlon region Methods: The objects of the study were: sources of drinking water supply, centralized systems of household and drinking water supply, water networks of 15 districts of the Bokhtar area. The hygienic assessment of drinking water sources, centralized water systems, sanitation zones and the quality of drinking water was carried out in accordance with Tajikistan’s water legislation. Results: The Bokhtar area population for 01.01.2019 is 2126494 people. Only 30% of the population of the region is provided with piped drinking water, and another part of the population (70%) use water from open water sources (rivers, canals, aryks, hauzi, etc.), therefore, there is high incidence of acute intestinal infections, which is more common in remote districts of rural areas. Of the total number of 125 functioning water pipes, 63% do not fully comply with sanitary regulations and norms. Water treatment and decontamination system are not implemented. The wear and breeding of water supply networks today fluctuates between 60-80%. It should be noted that about 40% of the population of the Bokhtar area uses water from irrigation canals that flow through their territory and are the main source of drinking water. Conclusion: In the cities and districts of the Bokhtar area, the issue of providing the population with good-quality drinking water is still low, especially in remote areas. Its solution is related to the implementation of a set of measures, such as: the improvement of water facilities, the construction and reconstruction of water pipes, the establishment of modern technologies to transport and purify water, to use local installations for water treatment, treatment and disposal, to carry out informational work with the population. Keywords: Bokhtar area, population, water supply problem, quality of drinking water, state of water pipes.

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