
The results of studying the influence of elements of the technology of cultivation of spring wheat (various predecessors, methods of basic tillage, doses of mineral fertilizers) in order to obtain grain that meet the food requirements (GOST 9353-2016) are presented. The studies were carried out in 2015–2017 in the Ulyanovsk region in the forest-steppe zone on leached chernozem. The object was the Ulyanovskaya 105 spring soft wheat variety, which has been recommended for cultivation in the Volgo-Vyatka (4), Middle Volga (7), Ural (9) regions of the Russian Federation since 2017. The scheme of the experiment provided for placement after peas and winter wheat, autumn main dumping and shallow tillage. In each of the options, the sowing was carried out using three backgrounds of mineral fertilizer – N24Р6 К0 kg/ha a.i. before sowing; N64Р18К35 kg/ha d.v. before sowing + retardant “Tse Tse Tse 750” (chlormequat chloride); N50Р30К70 kg/ha d.v. before sowing + N25 in tillering + N30 after heading + retardant “Tse Tse Tse 750”, calculated for the planned yield of 4.0; 5.0 and 6.0 t/ha, respectively. The meteorological conditions in the years of research were characterized by uneven precipitation (HTC in 2015 – 0.7; in 2016 – 0.8; in 2017 – 1.4). The grain yield of the studied variety of spring soft wheat on average for the variants of the experiment ranged from 3.82 t/ha to 5.60 t/ha with its high quality. The largest amount of protein (720–760 kg/ha) and grain weight per ear (1.07–1.08 g) were formed by the predecessor of peas after plowing against the background of the introduction of mineral fertilizers in doses calculated for the planned yield of 5.0–6,0 t/ha. In terms of the content of crude gluten (28.1–30.9%), in nature (786–798) and vitreousness (87–91%), the grain corresponded to the indicators of class 2, in terms of protein content in the grain (12.5–13.5%) – indicators of the 3rd class of GOST 9353-2016. Higher quality grain with a higher yield level was formed according to the pea predecessor. The coefficient of elasticity of flour dough within the normal range for strong wheat (0.70–0.85) was observed on all variants of plowing and on 1 background of mineral fertilizers for fine processing according to the predecessor winter wheat, as well as on 1 and 2 backgrounds of mineral fertilizers according to to both methods of basic tillage according to the pea precursor. According to the general baking assessment (4.1–4.4 points), the Ulyanovskaya 105 variety corresponded to the norm for valuable crop varieties.

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