
Seeking for products and experiences that deliver concepts of ‘newtro’ has become a new consumption trend in the hospitality and tourism industries. Food companies use various newtro-concepts of package designs to stimulate consumers’ wants and purchases. The current research addressed the question of why consumers get attracted to products and experiences of ‘newtro.’ We investigated whether newtro-packages lead to perceptions of familiarity, uniqueness, and attractiveness, which in turn lead to purchase intentions. Furthermore, this study examined whether generation variable (Baby Boomer, X, Y, and Z) plays a moderating role in those relationships. The study was conducted using an experimental design and the stimulus of the package design were newtro, retro, and modern for beverage products. A total of 134 data were used for this study. The findings showed that while the package design did not influence familiarity perception, it influenced perceptions of uniqueness and attractiveness. Furthermore, generation had a moderating effect in the relationships between package design and perceptions. The result demonstrates different generations had different reasons for liking newtro concepts. Lastly, consumer perceptions of familiarity, uniqueness and attractiveness towards package design had positive effects on purchase intentions. This study provides marketing insights for designing products, packages, and experiences to cope with the continuing trend of newtro.

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