
Intensive development of the livestock industry causes environmental problems through penetration polluting components into the environment. A special place in these problems takes the problem of quality water. The source of water pollution is the improper storage of manure and wastewater emissions (urine, waste water from washing and disinfection of equipment), the late disposal of dead animals. In the pollution of the environment directly involved also play precipitation that promote faster and better movement of harmful components in the soil profile and move them in the ground water and open waters located nearby. This situation can cause negative effects on the animals' kept, staff and people that are living nearby. The purpose of our study was the environmental assessment of sanitary-chemical state of water reservoirs near pig farms. To study the ecological state of water reservoirs near pig farms was chosen water in the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of limited liability company (Llc.) Agricultural company (AC) Fastivets'ke, named Zelen'ka, with a population of 9,000 heads a year (Fastivets' village, Fastivs'kyj district, Kyiv region.). As a control there had been taken a water reservoir located 3 km to South-East from Kodaky village, Vasyl'kivs'kyj district, Kyiv region. When addressing methodological issues the study was based on methodological recommendations for studying the impact of livestock farms on the environment (MU #2289-81). Sanitary-chemical analysis of water quality conducted on the basis of the following parameters: transparency, pH, suspended solids and losses during the ignition, dissolved oxygen, COD and BOD full . According to conducted research the transparency of water in the pond near pig farms dramatically (almost thrice) decreases compared to the transparency of control water reservoir. Although this indicator is not regulated and we cannot talk about unfit the water for use, but we can say that the water quality is low. The research results indicate that the activity of Llc. AC Fastivets'ke, named Zelen'ka increases the alkalinity of water in the reservoir, which is located about it. Although value of the water’ pH in the reservoir studied slightly higher than corresponding indicator of control reservoir, but it still goes outside pH, that set by SanPiN #4630-88 and GOST 2761-84. So investigated water reservoir becomes unfit or as a source of centralized or decentralized drinking water or bathing, sports or recreation of population. Because Llc. AC Fastivets'ke, named Zelen'ka does not direct discharge of waste water into the reservoir, we cannot judge the danger of its activities. However, we can say that the content of suspended solids in the pond near pig farms significantly (almost twice) higher than the indicator of control variant. Losses during the ignition of suspended solids in the pond water within SPZ of studied farm are high. These indicates that a significant proportion of suspended solids have an organic provenance, the source of which is Llc. AC Fastivets'ke, named Zelen'ka. In addition, the indicator is much higher than the corresponding indicator of the control pound. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in both events is according to hygienic requirements. Although the content of dissolved oxygen in the pond within the SPZ of pig farms slightly lower than in the control reservoir. COD value as in the studied reservoir, and the control pound significantly (by a factor of almost 5) exceed the values that satisfy hygiene rules. This demonstrates the high contamination and unfit for any use of both waters, although water near of Llc. AC Fastivets'ke, named Zelen'ka little more dirty. Pig farms seriously contaminate ponds, located nearby; this in turn increases their biological oxygen demand. Although BOD full in the control pond also high and exceed the hygienic requirements for drinking and communal-household water supply, but according to GOST 2761-84 water still consort with the 3rd quality class. The value of BOD full in the studied point significantly exceeds any value of hygiene requirements. So on the basis of the results revealed that the activity of pig farms significantly worsen sanitary-chemical state of water reservoirs located in the SPZ. Almost all indicators of the sanitary-chemical analysis of water in the reservoir studied much (sometimes twice-thrice) higher than the corresponding indicators for water quality of the control pond. Only the content of dissolved oxygen in water completely accords the sanitary requirements. It was established that environmental condition of the reservoir indicates an important role of rainfall in the migration of pollutants because direct discharge of sewage is missing. This in turn confirms the urgent need to provide for pig farms latest technologies of purification, storage and disposal of waste and flawless and timely execution of each of these stages.

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