
At present, to solve the problem of the life quality of the population has become an integral criterion for evaluating the effectiveness and success of the state's socio-economic policy. The appeal to the study of the quality of life among young people in its objective, subjective and person’s aspects is determined by the fact that youth as a social group differs from other groups of the population. It is more active, has relevant knowledge and skills, an accelerated adaptation process, greater migration mobility and material needs. It faces the task of self-determination in socio-economic and political changes and the choice of life orientations. The aim is to determine the contribution of personal resources to the subjective assessment of the quality of life among representatives of socio-demographic youth groups with different perceptions of self-realization opportunities in living conditions. The research is based on the newly developed conceptual working model of the quality of life by D.A. Leontiev (2020), which integrates objective, subjective and person’s factors of environmental assessment. The methods used are: the questionnaire «Quality of life and satisfaction», «Life satisfaction» scale, «Self-realization satisfaction index in living conditions», questionnaire «Self-organization activity», questionnaire «Differential diagnosis of reflexivity», «Self-determination of personality and basic beliefs» scale. Sample is 280 people aged 18 to 40 years, including 140 people living in the rural municipality of the North of the Tomsk region (Siberian region), and 140 residents of the city of Tomsk. As a result, we have found out that there is some general dissatisfaction with the quality of life, but the representatives of rural youth are less satisfied with the quality of their lives than the representatives of urban working youth. Personal resources are significantly more pronounced in the urban working youth group; many representatives of rural youth have deficits in personal resources. It is revealed that such a personal resource as self-identity can me-diate the impact of assessing the opportunities for self-realization in environmental conditions on the quality of life among urban and rural youth. At the same time, we have identified specific personal resources that can serve as mediators in assessing opportunities for self-realization in living conditions and the quality of life among urban and rural youth. However, a small percentage of variance indicates the need to refine the results and include new personal resources in the search for mediators of this relationship. The data revealed in both groups on the mediation nature of assessing the possibility of self-realization in living conditions indicate the importance of creating conditions for self-realization for young people, both in urban and rural living environments.

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