
The article conducts an analysis of sustainable development strategies at various levels of economic integra-tion, exemplified by the experiences of member countries of the European Union (EU), African Union, Com-mon Market of South American Countries (MERCOSUR), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with the objective of identifying distinctive features and successful practices, as well as offering rec-ommendations for incorporating international experience into the strategic documents of the Eurasian Eco-nomic Union (EAEU) in the field of sustainable development. To achieve this goal, a comparative analysis of regulatory documents and sustainable development strategies of several integration associations was con-ducted to identify unique characteristics. Based on the synthesis of the results obtained, recommendations for the EAEU were formulated. The proposed systemic approach to constructing the EAEU’s sustainable develop-ment strategy differs from traditional approaches, which may focus on blindly following international standards such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, the conclusions indicate the neces-sity of adapting these standards in accordance with the national interests of the member countries and the ob-jectives of regional integration.

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