
The purpose of the study was to develop a methodological toolkit for the substantiation of investment decisions on supporting regional environmental projects by state and private investors. The problem lies in the fact that traditional indicators of the efficiency of investment projects, such as net present value, budgetary efficiency, currently do not sufficiently meet the principles of sustainable economy, which underlie modern methodology for managerial decision making. The study of the opinions of investors shows their increasing willingness to take into account, when making investment decisions and decisions on financing projects, not only the economic efficiency, but also the impact of the results of companies’ activities on the environment and human health. At the same time, the question of how to take into account ESG factors (environment, social, governance) in the assessment of investment decisions remains controversial. The authors suggest a methodology that will contribute to the justification of management decisions regarding the support and stimulation of investment eco-projects. The method assumes a sequential passage of stages, at each stage the projects undergo an assessment procedure for compliance with the criteria that take into account the interests of various project stakeholders (government, investors, society) and the calculation of ratings: the rating of ESG factors and the rating of economic efficiency of eco-projects. The authors have also developed a matrix for managerial decision making to support an investment eco-project based on the analysis of the ratings obtained. The proposed conceptual approaches and models make it possible to clarify the methodological tools for effectiveness assessment of eco-projects, contribute to the improvement of the theory and practice of financial management, harmonization of ESG principles and investment management, adequate to the conditions of the concept of sustainable economic growth.

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