
The article analyzes the achievements of Ukrainian medical scientists in the area of public medical care of children and adults in Galicia at the end of the nineteenth century – the first third of the twentieth century. The main works of the doctors of science, the contribution of I. Gorbachevskyi, I. Kurovets, S. Okunevskyi-Morachevskyi, Ye. Ozarkevych, М. Panchyshyn, S. Parfanovych and others are briefly analyzed. The activity of the Medical Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv is analyzed. The contribution of Ye. Ozarkevych as the founder of the Ukrainian medical science in Galicia to the organization of the Ukrainian medical movement, the foundation of public medical care, the creator of Ukrainian medical terminology is emphasized.It is concluded that in the studied period, science was an organic component of public medical care of the Ukrainian people of Galicia. The authors consider it as a distinctive, unique phenomenon, as a social phenomenon. Science was put “at the service of the people”, it was mobile and quickly responded to the challenges that life made up: the scientific research focused on pressing issues of the contemporary society (prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, abdominal typhus, venereal diseases, etc.), healthcare of the mother and the child (research in the field of gynecology), the fight against cancer, prevention and treatment of childhood illness, etc.). The students who were members of the “Medychna Hromada” actively participated in the development of Ukrainian medical science. Ukrainian medical scientists took part in international medical forums, got acquainted with the achievements of European and world medicine through the subscription of medical periodicals, reading medical literature, publishing on the pages of Ukrainian medical journals the achievements of world medicine, etc. Almost all Ukrainian doctors and medical students were active participants of public life, belonged to two, or even more societies, and also headed them. It is emphasized on the unity of medical theory and medical practice. To characterize the development of the Ukrainian medical science of the studied period, the word “first” is appropriate: the first Ukrainian medical scientific institution, the first outpatient clinic (“Narodna Lichnytsia”), the first Ukrainian medical scientific journal (“Likarskyi Visnyk”), the first Ukrainian Medical Society (ULT), the first Secret Medical Courses, the first Ukrainian Higher School (UTU), the first Ukrainian Hospital named after A. Sheptytskyi, the first Ukrainian-language popular scientific medical journal (“Zdorovlie”), the first female scientist, the first female student of medicine, the first female professor (S. Okunevska-Morachevska), the first medical scientist (I. Gorbachevskyi), the first scientific articles on health resort (Ye. Ozarkevych), the first Ukrainian scientific medical terminology (Ye. Ozarkevych), the first doctor-radiologist (M. Panchyshyn), the first Minister of Health in the world (I. Gorbachevskyi), the first Ukrainian doctor-electrocardiogram (R. Osinchuk), the first Ukrainian-language textbooks on psychology and logic (S. Balei) and so on.

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