
The calculation algorithm of sublattice magnetizations in two-lattice ferromagnet with compensation point is proposed. On the basis of preceding works review it is put the task about calculation of sublattices in individuality. It is investigated the general scheme of whole ferrimagnet magnetization forming which contains two magnetic sublattices both connected by exchange interaction. In geometry of axis symmetry along constant field direction it is investigated the orientational dependence of sublattices magnetization from applied field. It is found the forming conditions of anti-parallel and parallel collinear phases and corner phase between its. It is proposed the model presentation of magnetization dependence from temperature which contain the degree index dependence of general temperature to Curie temperature relation for each sublattice individual. For the simplicity and clear appearance of presentation the power index was choose. It is established the conditions which are necessary for forming the temperature compensation point. It is found the dependencies of deflection corners of each sublattices magnetization from field direction in accounting the given temperature. The decision of proposed excitation for magnetic field allows to find the boundaries of sublattice system transition between phases. On the basis of proposed temperature dependencies of critical transition fields it is drawing the phase diagram of two-sublattice ferrimagnet. It is found two settled on field one above other branches. The lower branch correspond to anti-parallel phase and upper branch correspond to parallel phase. It is found that lower branch contain sufficient quantity of information for to determine the individual both sublattice magnetization. It is proposed the methodic for calculation the individual sublattice magnetization based on the character temperature values and summary magnetizations. On the lower branch marked four character points which correspond to four temperatures and two values of summary magnetization. With using these points it is founded the equation system which allows to determinate the individual magnetizations values. It is proposed some recommendations for further development of investigations.

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