
The literary and scientific heritage of the leaders of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood are analyzed in the article. The place of church themes and socio-cultural activities of the leaders of the Ukrainian Church is determined in this works. A comparative analysis of the creative work of P. Kulish and M. Kostomarov in the field of presentation and evaluation of individual figures of the senior Ukrainian clergy is done. It was concluded that history of the Ukrainian Church is largely represented in their works, but the disclosure of church themes in the creative work of each of the authors had its own peculiarities. The historical works of P. Kulish of the early period reflected the creative pursuits of the members of the Kyiv-Methodius Brotherhood and were typical of their environment. P. Kulish expressed his own view on the role of the clergy in history through the prism of the heroes of the Black Council, in particular, the priest I. Shram, as an important factor in Ukrainian cultural and state-building processes. At the same time, the evolution of P. Kulish's views led him to the idea of a dual Russia, in the light of which the writer's positive assessment was mainly received by those church figures who contributed to it. Unlike P. Kulish, who did not deal with history of the Church in Ukraine, M. Kostomarov became the first secular researcher who created its holistic concept. The archpastoral activities and literary works of prominent clergy of the XVII century from Petro Mohyla to Dimitri Tuptal are analyzed in his series "Russian history in the biographies of its main figures" as so as their influence on Ukrainian and Russian culture is emphasized. Therefore, M. Kostomarov can rightly be considered one of the creators of the Ukrainian secular historiography of the history of the Church, the main merit of which is the creation in this area of separate monographs and numerous studies of a biographical nature.

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