
The article presents the results of studies on the spread of weeds in the conduct of complex control measures in corn fields. Here is a comparative explanation of the prevalence of weeds in the area of crop rotation (corn in the crop rotation with soy) and in the field of corn cultivated in a monoculture. In research in 4 fields in rotation with soybean and in one embodiment of monoculture (continuous corn rotation) methods were used for physical and biological control, spraying herbicides against weeds followed by planting corn. From the results it became clear that in comparison with the variant of sowing after the monoculture of corn in crops after the rotation with soy as a result of the last inter-row plowing (15.07.2016), the number of weeds significantly decreased in all variants (excluding option 2). In addition to weed control the basic cultivation of land and the introduction of green manure in these options has increased the fertility of the soil, and the adopted measures have led to increased corn yield and reducing incidental costs. During the research period in corn fields in different periods dynamics of distribution of weeds on all options was investigated.

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