
The issues of determining the level of enterprises. The research methods were statistical, methods of scientific knowledge, dialectical, induction and deduction, and economic and mathematical modeling to determine the influence of the level of innovation of enterprises on their development. The review of the theoretical foundations of the category of innovativeness of enterprises, intended components of innovation, such as innovative susceptibility; cyclical reproduction of innovative potential; the nature of innovative behavior; the level of research potential. It is proposed to consider innovation from the point of view of M. Porter's “concept of a diamond”. A methodological approach has been developed to assess the impact of the degree of innovation on the development of enterprises based on the integral index. The developed methodological approach consists of a sequence of the following stages: formation of a sample of statistical information on the degree of innovation of enterprises, selection of a reference indicator, statistical processing of input data, selection of indicators for inclusion in the model based on correlation analysis, after which the additive form of the integral index is constructed, assignment weighting coefficients for the components of innovation, raising indicators to a comparable type. The developed methodological approach will allow to timely and quickly assess the impact of the degree of innovation on the development of enterprises and make appropriate management decisions aimed at increasing the level of innovation of socio-economic systems of various levels and scales. The existing parameters of the growth of enterprises are based on innovation. The issues of assessing the effectiveness of economic development of enterprises on the basis of innovation are considered. Further research will be aimed at finding and improving modern methodological methods for assessing the impact of the innovatization of enterprises on their economic development, as well as the formation and accumulation of best experiences in accordance with the indicated problems and categories.

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