
Features are investigational by organization of educational process in establishments of education terms of pandemic. Forced stopping an eye employment in establishments of education stipulated continuation of studies after the controlled from distance form. Readiness of establishments of education to the total transition of studies in appeared the synchronous and asynchronous mode different. Next to that,question of complicated that availability to the network the internet appeared different, depending on locality (city you are a rural settlement). In addition, the controlled from distance form required from establishments educations, pedagogical workers, students, parents of tuning and adduction, in readiness to such form of lead through of employments. It is necessary it was in a rapid rate to conduct explanatory work, that students and parents were psychologically ready to the social isolation. Constantly different possibility of access needs question to the lessons, that in same queue deepens educational inequality between children. The leader of establishment of education, teachers, students, parents, is forcedly put were in terms, when it is necessary to execute Decision of the Main state health-officer of Ukraine in relation to creation and providing of terms prevention and distribution of koronovirus in establishments of education from one side. And from other, implementation of requirements of Department of education and science of Ukraine to organization of the controlled from distance form of studies. Acceptance of new Statute about the controlled from distance form of receipt of complete universal middle education allowed to embroider possibilities of the controlled from distance studies, accessible to education in accordance with their capabilities, interests, necessities, motivation, possibilities and experience, regardless of age, residence, state of health, disability, social and property state, other signs and circumstances, or stay, including those which objectively do impossible the visit of establishments of education. It is let teachers independently to determine office (synchronous or asynchronous) hours, but not less than 30 percent’s of educational time are in the synchronous mode (other educational time gets organized in the asynchronous mode). Determination of form of receipt of education is carried out exceptionally at will of students, their parents, and on the basis of decision of pedagogical advice, at presence of educational-methodical and system-technical providing.

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