
Introduction. The structure of the management system of forces and means of fire-fighting units in fire fighting is presented as structure consisting of the managing and managed subsystems. Forces and means are represented by positions on fire fighting and ensuring actions of fire extinguishing. Methods. The expedient ways of entering forces and means of fire units to extinguish fires in buildings of low fire resistance are: 1) escape routes, places of common use; 2) premises of the building located on the way of fire spread; 3) attic. Experiments on the action of units of gas and smoke protective service and simulation results of the development of dangerous fire factors indicate a decline in the ability of units to influence the combustion zone with an increase in parameters of the fire. The experiments on the creation of positions with the use of special fire trucks in fire fighting showed the expediency of their integration into the system of management at the initial stage of fire fighting. In the course of the experiment, manual fire rods (RSKZ-70) and fire rods were used to supply liquid fire extinguishing substances in the form of water curtains (SPVZ) (not involving the personnel at height). Results and discussion. The actual intensity of supply of fire extinguishing agents provided by the SPVZ rod was experimentally established. The conditions of the creation of the system of management corresponding to the situation at fire are presented. The results of the comparative deployments of units on the fire rescue vehicle and a fire truck with a ladder with a supply of fire-rods are given. Conclusions. The distribution of forces and means of units at the positions, with their maximum involvement, contributes to the fulfillment of the conditions of localization of the fire and reduces deployment time of incoming units.


  • The structure of the management system of forces and means of fire-fighting units in fire fighting is presented as structure consisting of the managing and managed subsystems

  • Forces and means are represented by positions on fire fighting and ensuring actions of fire extinguishing

  • The expedient ways of entering forces and means of fire units to extinguish fires in buildings of low fire resistance are: 1) escape routes, places of common use; 2) premises of the building located on the way of fire spread; 3) attic

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Ðàñõîä ñèñòåìû Water supply system
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