
Introduction. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with a large number of pregnancy complications as well as pelvic inflammatory diseases. However, it is necessary to take into account the species composition of pathogens before starting empirical therapy. Aim of the research. Study of the species composition of vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age in the city of Novosibirsk. Materials and methods. To assess the species composition of the vaginal microflora in women with complaints of pathological discharge from the genital tract, 485 women of the reproductive period of the Central District of Novosibirsk were selected who applied to the antenatal clinic and were diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. All women underwent a bacteriological examination of the discharge from the genital tract, and 240 women with complaints of pathological discharge from the genital tract were assessed for microbiocenosis using the real-time PCR method. Results. According to the bacteriological examination, the majority of patients did not reveal opportunistic pathogens (75.05%). Representatives of the genus Candida sp. predominated among the identified microorganisms (11.55%), Enterococcus sp. – 9.07%. Representatives of the genus Proteus were detected least often during bacteriological examination – 0.21%. According to the RT-PCR study, representatives of Gardnerella vaginalis + Prevotella bivia + Porphyromonas (89.17%), Eubacterium spp. (68.33%), Megasphaera spp. + Veillonella spp. + Dialister spp. (37.5%) and Atopobium vaginae (30.83%) predominated. Staphylococcus spp., Mycoplasma ho-minis – 2.83% and Enterobacterium spp. were detected less frequently – 4.17%. Conclusion. Since in more than 50% of cases it is not possible to isolate an infectious agent in the presence of pathological discharge from the genital tract of women by the bacteriological method of research, while the real-time PCR method is not always available, an understanding of the microbial landscape of the vagina in women with pathological discharge from the genital tract will allow to prescribe an effective empiric therapy.

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